The guide is not showing all channels?
Simply go to the guide. When you arrive at the guide, hold down the “select button”. A menu will appear on the right side of the screen. (If it did not pop up remove your finger from the select button and try again). From the menu on the right side of the screen select “filters” and select “all channels”
When should I restart my Firestick?
When the Firestick seems to be frozen or is experiencing recurring issues we recommend to restart it. This helps the Firestick a stick itself and work as intended
The QXC app is not where it normally is?
Hold down the house button on the controller until a menu pops up and reads profiles. Then scroll once to the right where it reads “apps” and select it. See if you see the QXC app there. (If you dont please call the support number as provided in the welcome booklet). If you do please navigate to it and when you get on top click the “3 lines button” on the controller and on that menu pop-up select “move to front”.
Restarting your Router
To restart your router, locate either a small gray box that reads HEX at the top or locate a small white box that reads Routerboard. Then gently unplug the thin black cord that is plugged into the back of it.
Who do I call if I need assistance?
Call the support line provided to you in the welcome booklet. We are happy to assist you will all your needs.